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How To Download Google Calendar As Csv

How to Import Excel Events CSV into Google Calendar: Tips, Supported Fields, How-to

Posted on:  05/19/2021

How to Import Excel Events CSV into Google Calendar: Tips, Supported Fields, How-to

If adding events to your Google Calendar is tedious or you have many events you need to add quickly, you can use a CSV file you can generate in Microsoft Excel, to populate your calendar quickly and easily. Read below to find out how to do it, what fields are supported and the procedure to import your calendar events into Google Calendar in a few clicks, using a CSV file.

I've covered this topic in the past and even made several videos about it on my YouTube channel, where I got many questions so I thought a refresh is in order. I'll try to answer as many as I can in this article.

How to prepare the Google Calendar events CSV file

Open Excel and create a header row. The fields you can include are shown in the screenshot below and they are supported and documented by Google. You don't have to include all the fields, just the first two: Subject and Start Date. The rest are optional:

Example of Excel file with required fields for import into Google Calendar

Example of Excel file with required fields for import into Google Calendar

I've got a start date, an end date, a time to start, a time to end.

One potential problem I get many questions about, if the import doesn't work, it's possible that the fields are formatted wrong. What I mean is, sometimes, for the start time or end time, instead of showing the actual time, these fields get formatted and exported as TEXT. So make sure you format them as dates, and not as text fields. As an example, I've added '9, space, AM', '10, space, AM', to let Excel know that what I want to input is TIME.

Save the CSV file

If you actually are in Excel and have it as an Excel format, go to File > Save As, and then in the file type drop-down right here, make it CSV. So you can't pull Excel directly into a Google Calendar, it must be a CSV file:

Make sure you save your file as a CSV. not XLS or XLSX format

Make sure you save your file as a CSV, not XLS or XLSX format, or it won't import into Google Calendar

Importing the CSV file into Google Calendar

I have a big tip for you that might save you a lot of head aches: before you import the CSV file into your main calendar, I recommend you test it by creating a test calendar and importing it there. This way, you don't populate your main calendar with a lot of events that may end up being wrong, imported incompletely or something like that, just in case Google doesn't make sense of the file you're uploading.

To create a new calendar for testing:

  1. Open Google Calendar
  2. Go to 'Settings and Sharing > Add calendar'
  3. Create a new calendar, give it a name. Mine is 'Training dates'
  4. Click Create
Go to Settings and Sharing to add a new calendar

1. Go to Settings and Sharing to add a new calendar

Go to Add Calendar and Create New calendar

2. Go to Add Calendar and Create New calendar

Now I've got a new calendar called Training dates.

Now, to import your data in this test calendar:

  1. Go to 'Settings and Sharing' again
  2. Click 'Import'
  3. Locate the CSV file you exported on your local computer
  4. Select the correct calendar you want to import into (by default it will select your main calendar)
  5. Click Import
Import the CSV file into your test calendar to make sure it works

Import the CSV file into your test calendar to make sure it works

In my example, I should get 5 events, which I do, so the file was imported successfully into my test calendar:

I get my events successfully imported into Google Calendar test

I get my events successfully imported into Google Calendar test

What are the supported fields for Google Calendar import?

The headers must be in English as shown below. If any event details have commas (like the location example below), you can include them by using quotation marks around the text.

Field name Explanation Examples
Subject The name of the event, required. Example: Final exam
Start Date The first day of the event, required. Example: 05/30/2020
Start Time The time the event begins. Example: 10:00 AM
End Date The last day of the event. Example: 05/30/2020
End Time The time the event ends. Example: 1:00 PM
All Day Event

Whether the event is an all-day event. Enter True if it is an all-day event, and False if it isn't.

Example: False
Description Description or notes about the event. Example: 50 multiple choice questions and two essay questions
Location The location for the event. Example: "Columbia, Schermerhorn 614"
Private Whether the event should be marked private. Enter True if the event is private, and False if it isn't. Example: True

Can you add guests in imports?

No. It would be nice if it were possible to add guests or invite people in your spreadsheet and have Google Calendar add them as invitees or send them invitations. I guess that's maybe a spam protection, but the answer is, you can't. So you have to add those manually after you've imported your events.

Import still not working?

I sometimes have this question from people, even though the file seems ok and they are using the allowed fields, it won't work. Make sure when you look at your file in Excel, that not everything is in column A of your spreadsheet. Sometimes, there's no delimiter and if the column is narrow, you can't see that in fact, all your data is inside a single cell. You must have the data sitting in separate columns, under the appropriate headings in Excel, before you export it to CSV, otherwise it won't work.

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Chris Menard

Chris Menard is a Senior Training Specialist at SurePoint Technologies. Chris is certified in Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook. Menard has a YouTube channel with other 600 technology videos covering Excel, Word, Zoom, Teams, Outlook, Gmail, Google Calendar, and other resources that over 7 million viewers have very appreciated. Because of Chris's certification and expertise with Microsoft, Chris is a proud member of Microsoft's Creator Team. Being a member of Microsoft's Creator Teams means many of his videos are available on Microsoft 365 YouTube channel and Microsoft support websites.


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